How can I help?
The number #1 way to help is to buy a voucher from your favourite place.
But if you want to help more, SOS is being run by volunteers, who are finding it increasingly harder to stay on top of this idea as it snowballs and grows. If you'd like to help, please email
We specifically need help in the following areas:
* Corporate partnerships
If you are a corporate or business and want to provide some financial or other support, we'd be keen to hear from you. We feel there is a great opportunity for big brands to get behind this and provide support (double the voucher spend? Underwrite the risk of businesses not being able to redeem their vouchers? Pay for our overhead costs? Help pay for more promotion? Branded mousepads?)
* Promotion and advertising
We'd love more promotion to customers, so if you want to promote then please link to our Instagram or Facebook sites - @sosbusinessnz
Or get us some credits for FB or Google to help promote.
Jump on your local FB group, Neighbourly site etc and get people excited about this and donating to their local cafe
* Cooking dinner when it's my turn
I'm being a slack bubble-mate and not helping with home chores - any ideas welcome!